The advances we are making in prostate cancer are more exciting, pioneering and ground-breaking than ever before.
Education plays a key part in driving innovation. By collaborating with and learning from our global partners, we can get closer to research breakthroughs and finding a cure.
APC has been on the forefront of providing education and training opportunities, from our world-class conferences to our specialist nursing training and fellowships.
Incredible advances in training and education - APC is pioneering new ways of delivering education to the global prostate cancer community.
Incredible advances in training and education - APC is pioneering new ways of delivering education to the global prostate cancer community.
The Asia-Pacific Prostate Cancer Conference has been hosted by APC for over 10 years and is one of the biggest, best and most collaborative Prostate Cancer conferences in the world.
Speakers debate, share, and explore best practice methods through incredibly exciting and diverse presentations and panels. Topics cover Clinical Urology, Translational Science, Nursing, Allied Health, and more.
23rd Asia-Pacific Prostate Cancer Conference, 18 – 20 August, 2023, Cairns Convention Centre.
For further information visit
The APC partners with the Prostate Cancer Foundation Australia to provide nurses with specialist training in prostate cancer. Working with nurses around the country, this program empowers participants with the training and ongoing support they need to work with people impacted by prostate cancer.
As part of their induction training, nurses spend three days at our Centre in North Melbourne. Our experts use this time to teach them. Here, they have the opportunity to train alongside experienced APC staff, with exposure to about advances in prostate cancer including diagnosis, medical imaging, active surveillance, and modern surgical options.
Get in contact with us to find out more about our prostate cancer specialist nurse training.
The APC offers fellowships, training, and nursing nurse training opportunities for people interested in developing their skills in specialist urological and prostate cancer nursing. Our unique multi-disciplinary and clinically diverse environment provides them with varied and hands-on experience.